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We are proud to announce that we are certificated by the North Carolina and Virginia Board of Funeral Service to provide continuing education programs.


All North Carolina and Virginia funeral directors and embalmers may earn your credit hours through our cosmetic program titled; Cosmetics and Restorative Art Techniques, or through our online Webinar. The course is taught by two-time Emmy award winning Hollywood FX artist Dean Jones and or one of his Hollywood makeup artists.

If your funeral home staff is currently in need of continuing education class hours, PMRC has a mobile educational unit that provides “hands-on” experience to educate your in house staff, while providing the opportunity to earn the required credits hours through the course.  


Funeral Dirctors learn restorative cosmetic techniques at their own funeral home with a PMRC class
Morticians and Funeral Directors learn hands-on from Dean Jones and Starr Jones

For those who are familiar with our company and what we represent, this class experience is significant and relative to the innovative changes now occurring with cosmetics and restorative art. 

In-person classes are held on Mondays and Fridays from 10:00am to 4:00pm EST at $400.00 per student.  This price includes all materials, practice heads, lunch, and one-on-one training with Dean.  The online Webinar course is offered on certain dates, and can be found by clicking below.


Register Today HERE!!  1-800-707-1820

Evaluations from 26 students at the 2017 CFDA 113th Annual Convention where Dean presented 'Cosmetic Technology for the Restoration of Normal & Traumatized Deceased Human Tissue':

About Us: 

The only Cosmetic Company in the world who fully services the Funeral Profession, providing education, development, manufacturing, and distribution of makeup and hair products.


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Located in Central North Carolina

© 2016 by PMRC.

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